Wednesday, September 28, 2011

It's a Small World After All ~ Yemen

The second part in a series of posts encouraging prayer for the nations. 


After living through 33 years of an oppressive regime, Yemen is finally speaking out. But their voices are not the only form of action being taken against their longstanding President, Ali Abdullah Saleh. 

While the people's frustration with their government became clear only about eight months ago, Yemen has long been in a state of disarray. Child malnutrition combined with a decrease in the supply of water and oil have only exacerbated the situation. 

Accusations that Saleh has long manipulated oil revenues for his own profit continue to haunt his administration. This week, the President's refusal to step down has angered the people even more, resulting in greater levels of violence and frustration amongst the Yemeni peoples. 

The Yemenis want an end to their current government's corruption and they don't want to resort to violence to achieve freedom, but so far, violence has ensued. Clashes between militaries, protesters and the government continue. 

The death toll continues to rise as violence continues to escalate. An estimated 100 people have died during what many are classifying as a revolution. Protesters of all ages unite in "Change Square", where cries for revolution are heard and seen all around the streets. 

The situation only continues to spiral downward, and the UN claims that the situation may turn into a humanitarian crisis. An estimated 10,000 families are unable to find adequate food to eat and if the situation is prolonged it will only get worse.

Pray for the safety and security of the Yemeni people. For food, for a decrease in violence, and for resolution to this longstanding conflict. Many suggest that even if President Saleh stepped down, the transition would not be easy. 

Pray that God would use this time to cultivate a love for Him in the nation of Yemen. Pray that in Christ alone their hope might be found. 

Hope does not come through the freedom of this world, but through freedom in Christ. May this sentiment be cultivated in the hearts and minds of people all over the globe. 

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

It's a Small World After All ~ Prayer for the Nations

Today marks the first post in a series of seven that will encourage prayer for nations and regions of the world. Each day, I will write a new informative post that describes a current situation that is demanding the prayer of the body of Christ.

Somalia and the Horn of Africa

Each decade seems to have its famines, its natural disasters, or its genocide. Tragedies seem almost a dime a dozen that so often we forget the horrifying reality of each individual situation. The latest famine is taking place in Somalia and the Horn of Africa.

Terrifying pictures of starving children flash across our computers and television screens. Worldwide, people react in shock and awe, but can we really relate to their daily trials?

 29,000 children have likely died in the Somalian famine thus far. And it seems that things are taking a turn, not for the better, but for the worse. The U.N. has projected that 750,000 people could face death in the next month should conditions continue to decline. 

While the cause of the famine is debatable, it is likely caused in part by drought conditions, as well as ineffective government policies. If drought is the root of the issue, rains are predicted to be on their way. But this is no promise of resolution. Instead, some sources predict that the rains will bring on diseases such as cholera, malaria and measles, which will only threaten the lives of many more Africans.

Food aid and humanitarian projects can help to quell the dangerous food shortages, but they cannot cure everything. The nation and the people are in need of prayer. May we rise up as the unified body of Christ to lift them up in prayer during these trying times.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Dreams of Reality

I've always believed that it was okay to dream. 

Daydreaming is, in fact, one of my most favorite pastimes.

The very process of dreaming is a fascinating thing that is both indescribable, intangible, but very real at the same time. Through dreams, one can live out their wildest adventures. They can climb the highest of heights, dance the most beautiful of dances, and sing the most beautiful of songs. They can achieve the career of a lifetime, marry the perfect person, or have the idyllic house with the white picket fence. 

Anything is possible in a dream.

It is a most fascinating thing when dreams turn into reality. But this question occurred to me: If dreams become reality, they are no longer dreams. And if they are no longer dreams, what are they?

As I began to reflect on the musings of my childhood, I began to realize that many of my dreams had become reality. And those that had not, had worked out into a far more exciting reality than I could have ever dreamed up. 

I recalled that in first grade, I was destined to be a veterinarian. After that, I was positive that I'd be an English Literature professor. That phase quickly faded into the next. Now, I was sure I'd be an ER doctor. And as time progressed, I just knew that I'd be a prima ballerina. All these dreams had so much meaning, felt so real, so possible.

At that young age, they were possible; for my imagination had very few limits. 

Unhampered by reality, I was sure that I could do anything if I simply put my mind to it. My idealistic visions of life were my daily pleasures that transported me to unknown worlds. One day, I was little orphan Annie, the next I was fleeing the oppressions of WWII, and the day after that I was a pilgrim just landed a Plymouth. 

Yes, my dreams and my imagination held me captivated by their wealth of experience and possession of such vast knowledge. 

In many ways, I am the same today. I have great hopes and dreams, and while I am consumed as a college student in my studies, my books transport me to a variety of locations. One day, I'm fighting Communism, the next I'm in Africa helping those with AIDs. 

Not much has changed. I still have an overactive imagination that runs away with itself when I sit down to write a paper or discuss a new topic. Difficult to tame, my hearts desires run away with me.

But today, my dreams are tempered by reality. A reality far greater than my dreams could ever imagine.

Today, I recognize that when dreams become reality, they are called blessings.

Blessings from my Lord God Almighty who has shaped and molded me for the plans that He has for me. He has given me those dreams and that overactive imagination, not to let me down, but to help me to  fathom the great things that He has for me that are far beyond this world.

Without my dreams, without my imagination, I could not even begin to grasp the magnitude of His greatness, much less the promises of Heaven. 

But He has given each and every one one of us hopes and dreams to give us a foretaste of the future. 

So keep on dreaming world. Because those dreams just might come true!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Come One, Come All!!!

Come to the concert  at Patrick Henry College to fight modern day slavery and support International Justice Mission. It will feature great bands such as Reilly!!! For more tickets and more information, go to:

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Taking Jesus for Granted

How often do we do just that? Take Jesus for granted?

A group of girls were sitting down together meditating on the verses that say "the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom." 

As we meditated on this truth, we began to realize that the way that we pictured the Lord deeply affected the way that we approach Him in prayer.

While it is true that the Lord is both our Father and our friend, we realized that perhaps we were taking being a child of God, or a friend of Jesus for granted. So freely did we approach His throne.

One girl mentioned that in order to help her connect with the Lord, she needed a mental image of the some great and admirable person. Her example: A strong, warrior King.

As we thought about this more, we began to realize that we did not approach the Lord as the King of Kings that He is! 

If we were to have a meeting with the President, a celebrity, or a foreign dignitary, would we approach them boldly? Unafraid of saying something wrong, not having our hair just right, or the perfect outfit on for the occasion? 

We all agreed that we would approach them with fear and trepidation. What if we said or did something wrong?

Suddenly, we all realized that we should approach the throne of the Lord in this same way. Fear His might, the just judge that the Lord is. The Almighty King. Our Saviour!!!

This does not mean that we should not boldly approach the throne of God. He welcomes us with open arms. But perhaps we should think more about the words that we say, the requests that we make, and the fashion that we make them in.

We are blessed to be called children of God, but we are His servants and He is our King! May we approach His throne with the reverence, respect, and love that He alone deserves!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Plan in Pencil

Plan in Pencil. 

What does it mean?

As soon as I heard this phrase, I was struck at once by its simplicity and its strength. 

A friend explained to me that God instructs us to plan in pencil and that we must "let Him have the eraser". 

Wow! What trust it takes. No, what faith it takes to simply plan in pencil. Open to the smudges it might create on the pages of life. Willing to allow someone else, someone greater, to plan the small intricacies of our days.

My  friend said it rather off-handedly, but nonetheless with such conviction. 

I was instantly reminded of what a teacher had told me in middle school. My teacher said, "I don't allow any of my students to write in pencil. I require that every assignment be written in pen. That means that all my students will have to confidently plan what they write in advance. No second guessing."

It was interesting that both of these statements had such a profound impact on me. Both seemed to convey certain truths about the different ways one may live their life.

There is certainly nothing wrong with literally writing in pen, but next time you sit down to write down your goals, or plans for your life, consider what you're writing them with. 

Are your plans set in stone?  Written in pen, both unalterable, and unable to be shaped and molded by the Creator of this earth.

Or instead are you writing in pencil, allowing God to guide the words you are writing, open to changes that conform to His will rather than yours?

As I sat there next to my friend who urged me with conviction to "plan in pencil", I was sure that God was urging me to set down my pen, and pick up my pencil. 

Oh, and God ... I'm handing the eraser to you!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

A Flower of Happiness

There are some things in God's creation that are so beautiful that they automatically require an outburst of joy. 

Sunflowers must be one of those things:

Thursday, September 1, 2011

This New Day

Today is just another day. Average, typical, but far from boring.

Today struck. And the hand of God moved in every part of the world. 

Today, a brilliant idea emerged, a thought occurred, and actions were taken. 

Today, was a new day.

Today, people are laughing, people are singing, and people are dancing.

But that is not all that happened today.

As today becomes tonight, and tonight becomes tomorrow, I am struck by the utter essence and the utter importance of a single day. 

I am struck by what was forgotten, who was forgotten, but most importantly, why I had forgotten it. 

Stuck in my large western country, with the comforts of the western world, the joys of friendly faces, and magnificence of knowing the Creator of the universe, I remain in awe of all that I do not know.

I have not experienced life in China, India, or the Philippines. I cannot relate to the experience of fearing an oppressive regime in Cuba, or the dangers of living during the Communist era. I have never been forced into a prostitution ring, been faced with great danger, or had a life or death experience.

Today and every day, people mourn the loss of a loved one, have their own lives threatened, are thrown in prison, were persecuted for their beliefs, and die for the sake of a worthy cause.

Yet I barely batted an eye... until now.

As I sat here, thinking about the vast differences between my life and the lives of so many others both in America and all across the world, I was struck by two distinct thoughts:

First, my Savior, the one that I know so well, sees ALL that happens in the world. He can relate to all those who daily suffer under persecution. He sees all those people who are stuck in sex slavery and forced labor. He sees the impoverished, the hungry, and the faces of all those who have suffered great trials. 

But my Savior, doesn't just see and understand all that happens in this world. He extends His hand to those that I am utterly unable to help. He alone gives them a hope and a future. 

And Jesus has already done it all. 

He's died for every single person, in every single country. Already.

He is their Comforter.

Beyond this, my Savior has given all people something in common; something that allows all people to relate to everyone, everywhere, at every time!

He has planted in the hearts of people in Cambodia, the people of the Ukraine, the people of Venezuela and the people of every nation a desire for eternity. A knowledge that their is a Savior! 

"He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart..." ~Ecclesiastes 3:11

Today, I realized that what I had so easily forgotten, the plight of those around the world, the ordinary lives of those in foreign nations, was not forgotten by God. 

He alone sees all the happenings of the world. And the Bible reminds us, that He is never changing, always constant, and always dependable. 

People all over the world: God has not forgotten. He has already died for your sins. And God will never forget. 

Today, is a new day. 

And tonight is a new night. 

But God is the same, today, forever and always. And He wants your heart on this new today!